Wednesday 14 Dec 2016

Are You Drinking Your Own Champagne?

Are You Drinking Your Own Champagne?: PRglooUsesPRgloo

We believe working with a vendor who is as invested as you are in your success is the only way to go. We use PRgloo daily, just like you do.

You get a call, email, pop-up ad, etc telling you about this great software and how it will make your life so much easier. You sit through a demonstration and get all your pointed questions answered:

Yes, our software allows you to send press releases.

Yes, our software can tell you who to target.

Yes, our software can sing AND dance whilst making dinner for you.

You signed on the dotted line and presto…you are the proud new owner of this does-it-all-software.

Then reality sets in.

Yes, the software can send press releases…but you have to go through 12+ steps to do so…and if you make an error you have to start all over again.

Yes, the software can tell you who to target…well sort of, you have to run a complex Boolean search and hope to get a list of individuals interested in your offering and refine it and refine it and refine… (Weren’t you doing this before you paid beaucoup bucks for this new software?)

Yes, it can sing and dance…no wait it can’t.

I know we aren’t describing everyone’s experience with software but we have collectively seen this happen again and again to customers who recount their experiences from the past.

One of the questions we ask customers/prospects who have had negative or less than perfect experiences, is if they know if their previous/current vendor “Drinks their own champagne.” Essentially do they use their own product and services in their day to day business. Most don’t know but you see a little light bulb turn on.

Champagne Sets a High Bar

A few years back an article in The Telegraph on the benefits of champagne laid out five good reasons to drink the bubbly daily:

  • improved cognitive function
  • heart health benefits
  • less calories compared to wine
  • skin detoxifier
  • and, well, those bubbles help get the buzz on fast.

For most of us the mere mention of the word champagne conjures up images of luxury, decadence and celebration.

When we designed PRgloo the driving thought was how a well-designed software system could make a difference in communicators day to day tasks.

We wanted to create champagne...And we have.

Here we are an agile, easy to use, beautiful software company focused on the public relations and corporate communications industry and we use our own software; on a day-to-day basis we use our software to manage relationships with our customers.

Our focus is on LISTENING to our customers and implementing solutions they need to run their business efficiently, into our software.

We Drink Our Own Champagne

We know how our users interact with our software on every level of our organization,  by using our product on a daily basis to manage our communications efforts.

Because we drink our own champagne it allows us to sell our product to you knowing full well what its strengths are and where it may need some improvement. We are transparent about our blemishes because we know it will help improve our offering to you.  

A well-designed product leaves us more time to build relationships with our customers and potential customers versus:

  1. Only checking in with you when your renewal is due
  2. Dealing with “fires” because the software is broken
  3. Making vague assertions about the software during the sales process that aren't based in any reality
  4. Pestering you with deals because it’s the end of the month, quarter, year (and we have quotas to meet! Which by the way we don’t inflict on our sales team.)

So we leave you with one question…

"Is your current public relations software vendor drinking their champagne or eating someone else’s dog food?”

We are PRgloo. We help you manage your public relations efforts so that all aspects of your strategy stay organized and demonstrate your team’s efforts and contributions to the overall business strategy.

Keep it all organized in @PRgloo for we are #PRMadeEasy.